Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Feeling ready for Fall!

I do love summer, but it is almost a little too busy. Well with the exception of the time I spend laying out in the swimming pool and daydreaming. So that is why I am feeling ready for fall, fall is just a little less hectic and more structured for me. School will be starting in a few weeks and I will have to get up early and get my son on his way, instead of sleeping in like I have been doing most of the summer.
This is my first fall project for this year. I know it seemed a little early for fall items to me too, but after seeing all the wonderful primitive fall items on Ebay , I caught the bug. I also have a small show coming up at the end of September and I am trying to get some things ready for it.
This wood cut out is actually for a snowman pattern, I did a little tweaking on and through the magic of my sander and paint brush he became a scarecrow. I love these kind of projects that are all the same cut out but I can dress them 100's of ways. This is great for me because I have a real aversion to painting the same thing several times, that is why I don't do too many shows and prefer to do Ebay. I know that the painting on these will be the same but I could change the face up some if I would like, and the dressing them up is my favorite part.


Mockingbird Hill said...

I would never have known this guy was a snowman in his other life...he's too cute! I love Fall..of course, Florida Fall is very different than any other Fall, but I still decorate and keep my thoughts with the changing leaves and cooler weather!
Thanks for showing this to us! Cassie

Tonya said...

Cassie, Fall is my favorite season. I wouldn't mind spending the fall in FA. lol A little more time in the pool than what I'll get here in MO.
Thanks, Tonya