Friday, September 19, 2008

Some of the things I have made.


Anonymous said...

WOW,WOW,WOW, Tonya! Your work is an inspiration!! We like the same stuff! :) That swan floorcloth is spectacular!! Thanks for the great slideshow!

pammi said...

your the best!! i LOVE your work and if i wasnt so old id want to be just like you when i grow up!!! but ill never live that long lol.. great job!!! and im glad your blogging!!!! hugs Pammi

Anonymous said...

Tonya, I love your work! I have a candle mat you did years ago, and it's one of my favorite things! Love your blog template--would you please share with me where you found it, or how ya did it? I'd love to spiff mine up a bit! Thanks a million!


Lisa said...

You do nice work. I love prims too and have a done a little bit of painting but not as nice as yours. but one can dream. I'm gonna follow.

Rilda said...

Awesome talent!! What a great way to share it. To paint is one of my desires.I will one day just because I will be ready 100%. Keep on inspiring. Many blessings to you, rilda *U*

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......